Tuesday 19 November 2013

Stop Smoking

We were thinking about smoking, some of us do smoke and so does David who works for us. We were talking to Isla and she had been doing some work with the Smoke Free Norfolk. Isla asked us if we would like to all meet up and talk about what stops people from wanting to give up cigarettes. We also met with Haley and Carl from Open Doors, they used to be People First and we knew them from a long time ago.

It was a good day and we looked at all the things the Smoke Free women, Moira and Kate brought. They had a cube with tar in it, a model of some lungs and they brought a gas tester for us all to breath in.

This tester measured the carbon monoxide in our breath. We had talked about carbon monoxide before when we talked to people about making sure our fires were serviced and we had enough ventilation in our houses. Carbon monoxide can kill you. All the people who smoke had very high readings so that made them think.

Since then David has stopped smoking and the others are giving it a go. It was a very good day and it was very nice meeting up with everyone.

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