Monday, 13 June 2011

SAP Homewise Project

West Norfolk Self Advocacy Project is a user led advocacy project that has been in existence since 2003. Many people have to start living on their own. This change is because parents are getting old or have died, or it may be that people are being moved from sheltered housing where they have lived for many years, out into the wider community. Whatever the reason, people suddenly have to look after themselves, and a household, totally on their own for the first time.

Homewise supports, advises and teaches people all the things that they need to know about managing themselves; their home; their money and essential bills.

Homewise actively encourages people to share experiences and skills in a tough, honest yet safe and caring environment where reality, respect, responsibility and rights are held to be very important. 
Homewise meetings are held every Wednesday from 10 until 12 noon.

For more information call David on
0776 985 5712 or email

Shane Malster

I am Shane Malster, chair of West Norfolk Self Advocacy Project. This is the first time i write the blog on my own. 
So what’s happened since the last blog? I have been team leader for the last Compass Group outing and I have written and done a trail round Lynn hoping that the group will like it. 
We have now in the garden with a small allotment to help us work and care for food. Let’s hope we can keep on going on the allotment and Ruth and Paul are working to make it go the right way.

With the rest of SAP everything is going well. Maths and English and badminton plus the meetings are all going strong. Maths, everybody doing well and hopeful to reach the top with another new member and three new members in English. No one has worries and we are enjoying it all the way.

Going back to the Compass Group we now done the trail I wrote. So the group has gone up in my eyes and they gave me good feedback on my trail and hopefully I can take the group out again within the next few months so good.