Thursday, 6 December 2012

Making A Wireless

Desmond had been looking at books in the library and has been interested radios and short-wave for a long time. We had been talking about radios and Des said he would like to make one himself. Here are pictures of him starting work.

This is the circuit diagram for a medium wave wireless

We made up a circuit board using thin wire and cardboard, this works very well and you can draw the diagram on the card so you can see where to put all the bits. We use a pen to punch the holes and then Des soldered all the joints.

We now need to buy some components,  here Des is looking through the Maplins catalogue to make a list of things to buy.

This is a very simple wireless to make and it does not need a battery, it gets its power from the radio waves themselves.

Desmond will update us when he has finished making and tuning his coil. See you soon.